Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Results from UI Testing #1

After I did the interface testing, there are severl
serious problems need to be sorted out, and I'd
like to point all the bullet points which are devided
into 'Navigation' and 'Interface Design' as the followings.

1) On the home page, users' navigating path:
Left-top logo>Right logo>Map>Mapped Spots>
Log in>Enter>Sign up>Calendar
2) Couldn't find the button for going back to
the home page, they thought the icon of logo
should represent it.
3) There is no “Log Out”!

[Interface Design]
1) Before using this website, a good understanding
should be achieved with motivation.
2) More information needed about our group and service.
3) There is unclear information of the concept provided from this web.
4) More details needed for the concept explanation
5) Illustrating the concept on the main page,
it shouldn't just be said by the map.
Log In
1) In order to getting the feeling of accessing the account,
more personal information needed.
2) It is easy to find where users can log in this website.
3) It is easy to find where users can sign up our service?
Main Logo
1) The logo should be represented of going to home page.
2) Are the logos clickable?
1) No idea about the map, users expected the icons
which have something/interaction happened.
2) No idea about what the representatives of mapped spots are for.
3) Before logging in, the mapped spots look clickable.
4) Users don't like the brown spots for the
representative of members.
5) Are the brown mapped spots clickable?
6) Too much information on the map,
but the recorded spots still look complicated.
1) The button of the date doesn't make any sense.
2) No idea about “2007 gusto”.
3) No idea about the options of date.
4) The button of “enter” doesn't look easy to access.
5) The functionalities of buttons are too similar,
more different design needed.
1) The calendar needs be more visualised.
2) A location based tagging list needed.
3) The capability of the storage of time database
since the day user signed up?