Thursday, 23 August 2007

Testing #3

I've been asked by Giles to test on the differences
between the real environment and the virtual world.
In order to figure out whether this scheme actually worksor not,
I distinguished the questions into two aspects, one of which is
"on the street", and the other is "on the website".

[On the street]
How it works >

A PDA/web-based system that uses GPS
to trace the path of cyclists.
A web output shows your route and
where you have come near to other cyclists.
A PDA exchanges brief information when
you come close to another cyclist.
You can click on the points of intersection
with other cyclists and see their passing points.

If you pass certain cyclists on the street everyday,
would you like to greet and have a chat with them?

Yes, what would you like to say to them?
No, why?
[On the website]
How it works >

On your route are links to points where
you have come close to other cyclists.
Rollovers on the points on your route bring up
the username and icon of this cyclist you have come close to.
You can click on these points to show you the journey
of other cyclists in the scheme who have come close to your path.
When you click on a point of 'coming close' on your route,
the route of this other cyclist's journey becomes
visible (and yours fades back) - on the route are
clickable points where other cyclists have come close:
if you click one of these points it makes this new route
visible and makes others fade back more.

If you got the intersection points from the same
cyclist everyday, would you like to communicate
with them by leaving a comment?

Yes, what would you like to say to them?
No, why?